4 Days Until the State Boys Cross Country Announcement
Gatorade 2016 - 2017: Player of the Year

Girls Cross Country - Montana

athletes playing Girls Cross Country
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Tiahna Vladic

Height: 5-FOOT-4
Press Release

Peak Performance


Class AA State Champion

5th Place

Nike Cross Nationals Northwest Regional

21st Place

NXN Final
“Tiahna is an extremely hard-working and dedicated runner. She works to her fullest potential every day and never shies away from workouts or races that seem too daunting.”
Sarah Lord
Head Coach
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-4 sophomore won the Class AA state meet this past season with a time of 16:40.74, breaking the tape 10.64 seconds ahead of her next-closest competitor and leading the Broncs to a second-place finish as a team. Vladic also placed fifth at the Nike Cross Nationals Northwest Regional championships and finished 21st at the NXN Final, falling short of All-American honors by just 0.1 seconds. She is a two-time Class AA All-State selection.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Vladic has maintained a weighted 3.75 GPA in the classroom. She will begin her junior year of high school this fall.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

Vladic has volunteered locally at the Montana Marathon and as a youth running coach. "Tiahna is an extremely hard-working and dedicated runner," said Sarah Lord, head coach of Billings Senior High. "She works to her fullest potential every day and never shies away from workouts or races that seem too daunting."