5 Days Until the State Boys Cross Country Announcement
Gatorade 2017 - 2018: Player of the Year

Girls Cross Country - District Of Columbia

athletes playing Girls Cross Country
The POY Logo

Page Lester

Distance Runner
Height: 5-FOOT-7
Press Release

Peak Performance

1st - 18:05

DCSAA Championship

5th - 18:12.7

FL Northeast

14th - 18:06.8

“It’s true that no runner in the area surpassed Page this season, and no runner in school history has run faster. Still, Page has always taken as much pride, if not more, in her teammates’ accomplishments.”
Jim Ehrenhaft
National Cathedral Coach
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-7 senior raced to first place at the D.C. State Athletic Association Championships this past season with a time of 18:05. The District’s returning Gatorade Girls Cross Country Runner of the Year, Lester also finished fifth at the Foot Locker Northeast Regional championships and took 14th at the national Foot Locker Cross Country Championships, earning All-American honors. She also broke the tape at the Independent School League championship, the Bullis Invitational and the DCXC Invitational in 2017.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Lester has maintained a 3.66 GPA in the classroom. She will attend Princeton University this fall, where she will compete in cross country and track and field.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

The sports editor of her school newspaper, Lester has volunteered on behalf of A Wider Circle, which assists families in poverty.