23 Days Until the State Girls Basketball Announcement
Gatorade 2023 - 2024: Player of the Year

Girls Track & Field - Montana

athletes playing Girls Track & Field
The POY Logo

Olivia Lewis

Height: 5-FOOT-7
Press Release

Peak Performance


Class A State Meet - 300m Intermediate hurdles


Class A State Meet - 100m Hurdles


Class A State Meet - 400m
“Despite national federation rules limiting an athlete to a maximum of six events in a meet, Olivia Lewis took advantage of an overriding Montana rule and leveraged her versatility to score in seven events at the state meet. Winning three gold medals and qualifying for the finals in all seven, she factored in 39 of her school’s 92.5 points and led Corvallis to the team championship. Lewis exhibited not only versatility, but also extreme durability.”
Rich Gonzalez
editor of PrepCalTrack.com
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-7 senior sprinter/hurdler broke one state record and won three gold medals at the state meet this past season, leading the Blue Devils to the Class A team state championship. Lewis broke the tape in 41.86 seconds in the 300-meter intermediate hurdles to set a new state standard—the time ranked No. 19 in the nation at the time of her selection. She also earned gold in the 100-meter hurdles with a time of 14.49 and in the 400, clocking a 55.52.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Lewis has maintained a 3.84 GPA in the classroom. She has signed a National Letter of Intent to compete on scholarship at Montana State University this fall.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

Lewis has volunteered locally with the Special Olympics as well as for the Colors For Cancer 5K. She has also participated in highway cleanups and food drives for those in need.