22 Days Until the State Girls Basketball Announcement
Gatorade 2023 - 2024: Player of the Year

Girls Cross Country - Wyoming

athletes playing Girls Cross Country
The POY Logo

Madison Antonino

Height: 5-FOOT-2
Press Release

Peak Performance

1st - 18:17.2

Class 4A state meet


Bob Firman Invitational


Cardinal Classic
“Making the daily 90-mile, one-way treks to and from practice, Madison Antonino made sure her time was well invested. She laid the foundation for a much-anticipated senior season as the state’s best against top competition in 2023.”
Rich Gonzalez
Head Coach - PrepCalTrack Coach
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-2 junior clocked a personal-best time of 18:06.20 at the Nike Northwest Regional Championships this past season, making her the state’s top finisher at the event. Antonino also raced to victory in the Class 4A state meet, breaking the tape in 18:17.2 to win by 52.2 seconds and lead the Broncs to fifth place as a team. She was the state’s fastest prep girl at every meet she entered, including against the Elite Girls field at the prestigious Bob Firman Invitational, where she took seventh, and the Cardinal Classic, where she finished sixth. 

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Antonino, who attends school at Pinedale High and competes for Jackson Hole as part of a co-op program, has maintained a 3.92 GPA in the classroom. She will begin her senior year of high school this fall.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

Actively involved in a variety of church functions, Antonino plans weekly group activities mentoring local youth and visiting elderly in assisting them to decorate for the holidays. She is also involved annually in co-organizing a Turkey Trot that provides opportunities for elementary school kids to race.