5 Days Until the State Boys Cross Country Announcement
Gatorade 2016 - 2017: Player of the Year

Boys Cross Country - Georgia

athletes playing Boys Cross Country
The POY Logo

Jacob McLeod

Height: 5-FOOT-9
Press Release

Peak Performance


Georgia Independent School Association AAA State Champion

1st Place

Georgia Meet of Champions

15th Place

Foot Locker Cross Country Championships
“Not only is Jacob's selection special because he is the first Georgia Independent School Association athlete to win the award, but because of the exceptional strides he made to excel at the regional and national levels. His performance at Foot Locker Nationals earned him recognition as an All-American, Georgia's first such honor for a male runner in five years, and that is a testament to both his physical maturity and mental toughness.”
Chris McAfee
Head Coach
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-9, 110-pound junior won the Georgia Meet of Champions title this past season, breaking the tape in 15:09.71. McLeod also finished first at the Georgia Independent School Association AAA State Championships (15:45.12), clocking the fastest all-class time of the day and leading the Crusaders to a fourth place finish as a team. He went on to take 8th at the Foot Locker South Regional championships with a personal-best 5K time of 15:07.10, qualifying McLeod for the national Foot Locker Cross Country Championships, where he earned All-American honors by placing 15th in 15:13.80.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

McLeod has maintained a 4.15 weighted GPA in the classroom. He will begin his senior year of high school this fall.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

A member of the Senior Beta Club at his school, McLeod has volunteered locally on behalf of a VA hospital, the Salvation Army, the Dublin Kids Triathlon and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He was also nominated by his teachers and received Student of the Quarter honors in association with the Oconee EMC energy cooperative. "What makes his success impressive is that it is truly the product of dedication and hard work," said Mill Valley High head coach Chris McAfee. "I think watching Will race gives insight to his personality. He always races calm and confident. Will appears to never be rattled. In addition, he possesses great finishing speed over any race distance.  His combination of strength and speed is hard to match."