22 Days Until the State Girls Basketball Announcement
Gatorade 2022 - 2023: Player of the Year

Girls Cross Country - Alaska

athletes playing Girls Cross Country
The POY Logo

Campbell Peterson

Height: 5-FOOT-3
Press Release

Peak Performance

1st - 19:16.0

State Championship (Individual)


George Plumley Invitational


Ted McKenney Invitational
“The career growth of Campbell Peterson finally culminated in a Division 1 state championship as she grew from three previous experiences at the final to add to her two track titles from last spring with her first career cross country crown. She achieved the feat in impressive fashion by going undefeated against Alaska competition throughout the season.”
Erik Boal
editor at DyeStat.com
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-3 senior raced to the Division 1 individual state championship this past season with a time of 19:16.0, leading the Mustangs to back-to-back team titles. Peterson also won the George Plumley Invitational and Ted McKenney Invitational.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Peterson has maintained a weighted 4.12 GPA in the classroom. She remains undecided upon a college destination.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

Also the team’s videographer and a photographer of running events, Peterson is a member of the Student Advisory Board and the Chugiak High Partners Club, on behalf of which she mentors peers with special needs, and she has served in student government. Peterson has also volunteered locally in association with the National Honor Society, a LDS Youth program and Special Olympics Alaska.