23 Days Until the State Girls Basketball Announcement
Gatorade 2018 - 2019: Player of the Year

Boys Cross Country - West Virginia

athletes playing Boys Cross Country
The POY Logo

Aaron Withrow

Distance Runner
Height: 6-FOOT-3
Press Release

Peak Performance

1st - 16:02.05

Group AAA State Championship


FL South
“Aaron has a tremendous amount of God-given talent and has worked very hard to make the most of it. Aaron was phenomenal this year. I was impressed with the work he has done in the offseason to be his best.”
Jon Griffith
Head Coach - Head coach of Bridgeport High
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 6-foot-3, 170-pound senior won the Group A-AA state meet this past season with a time of 16:02.05, breaking the tape 40.62 seconds ahead of his next-closest competitor and leading the Generals to a second-place finish as a team. Withrow crossed the line 25th at the Foot Locker South Regional championships and won five of eight races in 2018. He did not lose to an in-state competitor all season.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Withrow has maintained a weighted 4.32 GPA in the classroom and ranks No. 1 in his class. He has signed a National Letter of Intent to compete in cross country and track and field on scholarship at the University of Kentucky this fall.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

Withrow has participated in two service-mission trips to Charlotte, N.C., and he has volunteered locally as a peer math tutor. He has also donated his time to multiple community service initiatives through his church youth group.