7 Days Until the State Boys Basketball Announcement
Gatorade 2017 - 2018: Player of the Year

Girls Cross Country - Delaware

athletes playing Girls Cross Country
The POY Logo

Lydia Olivere

Distance Runner
Height: 5-FOOT-5
Press Release

Peak Performance

1st - 17:46

Division 1 State Championship

1st - 17:21.5

NXN Southeast

26th - 18:18.3

NXN Final
“Lydia will leave Padua as the most accomplished distance runner to ever come through the program. She’s been an incredible leader in her actions both on and off the course and selflessly always put her team first.”
Marnie Giunta
Padua Coach
excellence star

Athletic Excellence

The 5-foot-5 senior raced to the Division 1 individual state championship this past season with a time of 17:46, leading the Pandas to the state title as a team. Olivere won the Nike Cross Nationals Southeast Regional championship in 17:21.5 and placed 26th nationally at the NXN Final. She becomes one of only 12 girls in the Gatorade award program’s 33-year history to capture State Runner of the Year four times.

a graduation cap

Academic Achievement

Olivere has maintained a 3.92 GPA in the classroom. She has signed a National Letter of Intent to compete in cross country and track and field on scholarship at Villanova University this fall.

first place ribbon

Exemplary Character

Olivere has volunteered locally on behalf of youth track meets and the Mary Campbell Center for people with disabilities.